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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2010 Members

If you were a member of the 2010 CSA season but will not be returning for the 2011 season, we need to hear from you as soon as possible. This will allow us to open up registration to those on the waiting list. Just shoot us a quick e-mail at

2011 CSA Registration

Registration forms are coming soon.

If you have not received a registration form by the 2nd week of March, please let us know as soon as possible!

PayPal Payments

Payments for the 2011 season can be made via paypal. This will be available the week of March 1st.

Food Stamp Program

This year we'll be offering a food stamp program for low-income families. For more details stay tuned to this blog or send us an e-mail at

Visit the Farm

We’ll be paying a visit to Angel Family Farm, the farm that supplies all of our CSA produce, at the end of May. This is a great opportunity to get involved, see the farm, and help them prepare for the 2011 season. Stay tuned for details. If you’d like to see the farm and volunteer at another time, you can schedule a visit by e-mailing:

CSA Conferences March 5th

Join the Central Park West CSA 
At this year’s CSA Conference

This is an opportunity for us to come together with CSA members and farmers from around the city for a day of workshops, discussion, and good food. Keynote speakers will be Jean-Paul Courtens and Jody Bolluyt of Roxbury Farm.

When: Saturday, March 5th from 8:30 to 6 PM 
Where: Food and Finance High School
        525 W. 50th St., Manhattan

For conference schedule and to register, visit:

**Help Our CSA Win A Free Canning Class**

The CSA with the highest percentage of members in attendance
will win a free canning class. Could it be us??

** When you register, 
make sure you tell them which CSA you belong to.