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About Us/ FAQ

*Membership is closed for the 2012 Season. Thanks to all who signed up! If you are interested in recieving emails for next year, please email us at centralparkwestcsa(at)gmail(dot)com.*

What is a CSA?
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. The basics: a farmer offers a certain number of "shares" to the public. Typically the share consists of vegetables, but other farm products may be included. Interested consumers purchase a share (aka a "membership" or a "subscription") and in return receive a designated amount of seasonal produce each week throughout the farming season. 

Advantages for farmers: 
- Receive payment early in the season, which helps with the farm's cash flow
- Provide local fruits and vegetables to the community
- Have an opportunity to get to know the people who eat the food they grow

Advantages for you, as a member: 
- Fresh food! Since it's coming from a local source, it usually lasts longer
- Buying local means decreasing oil dependency: less fuel consumed for food transportation and minimal packaging since members use reusable bags to pick up vegetables
- Exposure to new vegetables and their sprouting cycles
- Exposure to new cooking techniques and cuisines
- Farm trips - we try to arrange a farm visit at least once a season 
- Get to know your neighbors
- Develop a relationship with the farmer who grows your food and learn more about how the food is grown

About Central Park West CSA:
The Central Park West CSA currently offers full and half shares of vegetables from Angel Family Farm, and full and half shares of fruit from Breezy Hill Orchard. A full share typically feeds 3-4 people and a half share can feed 1-2 people. Our farmers drop off produce on Wednesdays and members pick up their share in front of St. Matthew/ St. Timothy's church (W 84th St near Central Park West) between 4-7pm. 

What happens to my food if I am unable to pick it up?
If a member is unable to pick up (or have someone else pickup) their share for the week, it is donated to the local church or food bank. 

How many volunteer shifts do I need to complete?
Each member is expected to volunteer at least two pick up shifts. The pick up time is divided into two shifts: 4:00pm-5:30pm and 5:30pm-7:00pm. The earlier shift helps setup and the later shift helps take down. Both shifts keep the area tidy and free of debris and help members with their pick up if needed.

What if I do not volunteer?
If a member does not volunteer, it is understood that his share could be witheld until he signs up. The CSA is built on community, and the only way we function is with the help from everyone involved! 

About our Farmers:
Our vegetable farmer is Ana and Crisostomo Angel from Angel Family Farm in Goshen, NY. 
Our fruit farmer is Breezy Hill Orchard.

Questions? Contact us! centralparkwestcsa (at)