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Monday, August 29, 2011

Angel Family Farm Hurricane Irene Update

This is a personal note from our farmer:
Hello all,

I hope that all of you stayed safe this weekend and were well prepared for the storm. Unfortunately there was no way we could have saved the farm from flooding.

Its a complete disaster. Ana had tears in her eyes as she made her way into the fields with water almost reaching her hips.

It was going so well this year-- :(

Ana and Crisostomo have made it their personal duty to deliver something this week to their CSA's.

They will not give up on their promise to provide you with good food each week. Although the conditions are a bit extreme they are picking and gathering as much as they can to make the delivery tomorrow.
Please be cautious that the share may not be as big as usual but please know we tried and are trying to maximize what we can.

Thank you
Angel Family Farm

Monday, August 22, 2011

Just Food is with us This Week!

Just Food will be visiting us this Wednesday at our CSA site.

Just Food is a non-profit that works with communities to make fresh, locally grown food accessible throughout NYC. One way they do that is by helping start and support CSA sites like ours. Over the years, Just Food has helped over 100 NYC neighborhoods connect with 29 vegetable growers to create an extensive network of CSA throughout the city. They work to support city groups in starting and maintaining CSA sites as well as with farmers who want to grow for CSA.

This year, Just Food is formalizing their relationship with all the people who have benefited from CSA by creating a CSA Network that each one of us contributes to —$3 of your share fee goes to Just Food to help them build new CSAs, support additional farms and existing sites, and make NYC a better place to eat and live.

Just Food staff member Paula Lukats will be joining us at our distribution this Wednesday to meet (and thank!) members, talk more about Just Food and answer questions about the new Just Food CSA Network. Be sure to take a minute to say hi and grab a reusable bag when you pick up your share. And find out more at!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Do You Have A Friend Who Didn't Get to Join the CSA this Year?

We need a volunteer to help out on Wednesdays at 2:00. If you know someone who can commit to this for the rest of the share season, we can offer that person a free vegetable share in exchange for their help.

This is a perfect opportunity for someone who was unable to join the CSA this year. We can also offer this opportunity to someone who is already a member but would enjoy the extra veggies.

The person would be required to arrive at 2:00 and wait for the farmer to deliver the produce. They would also need to give the crates from the previous week back to the farmer (the crates are stored at the CSA site). Then the person would need to keep an eye on the produce and wait for the first set of CSA volunteers to arrive, which is around 4:00. There may be a few other odds and ends we ask this person to do, but there would also be plenty of down time to read or catch up on other personal work while waiting. 

Our CSA is entirely member run. So, we need everyone's help to find someone to fill this position. If you know someone who is interested, please have them e-mail me asap at

This Week's CSA Selection - August 3, 2011



Swiss chard




Green tomatoes