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Monday, June 27, 2011

This Week's CSA Selection - June 29, 2011

Swiss Chard




Maybe: Kale

Parsley Garlic Ginger Dressing

This is my absolute favorite dressing.

Combine all ingredients in a blender
1 bunch parsley
3/4 in. ginger root (thin slices)
¼ c. sesame oil
1 – 2 small cloves garlic
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
¼ c. tamari
¼ c. water

Rinse produce.  Rip off a huge handful of parsley.  Usually this is the whole top of an average bunch.  Place in your blender.
 Slice about ¾ in. of ginger root into a few slices.  Slice 1 clove of garlic.  
Add ginger, garlic, and rest of ingredients to the blender.  

Blend.  Make sure everything gets chopped.  Taste with a piece of lettuce or veggie.  If you think it needs more garlic, add another small clove.  You can also add another slice of ginger if you think it needs to be a little more gingery.

Lemon tip – I prefer to pick lemons that look a little ugly.  They are really soft and starting to turn brown.  They skin is not moldy or punctured though.  I think these are the juiciest lemons.  If you get a lemon that’s a little more firm, put pressure on it and roll it around on a table top.  This helps break up the beads before you slice it and will help you to squeeze the juice out.

You can make extra of this dressing and freeze it.


Monday, June 20, 2011

This Week's CSA Selection - June 22, 2011

Here's what to expect in this week's drop off.


Purple Broccoli Rabe

Green Lettuce

Green Tatsoi 


Mustard Greens

Purple Tatsoi


Share Your Recipes

Share your recipes below. The only rule is that the recipe must include at least one item from our pick-up this week.

Thai Beef Salad

If you still have ingredients from last week, see this message from Doug. I suspect the same will be true with this week's produce.

Posted June 17th

You can actually use *all* the ingredients from this week in a Thai beef salad. Google "Thai beef salad" and substitute radishes for cucumber.

If you do a search and find a recipe you love, post it here.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Sesame Plum Dressing

This recipe can be doubled. I often double it and put half in the freezer for a later time. You can also taste and add additional dill if you like.

Sesame Plum Dressing

1/4 c. sesame seeds
1 T. brown rice vinegar (you can also use apple cider vinegar)
1 umeboshi plum OR 1 overflowing tablespoon of ume plum paste (this is in the asian food section and is pricey but will last in fridge a long time and most recipes only call for a little)
1/4 tsp dill (dried)
1/2 cup water

Roast sesame seeds by stirring in a dry skillet on medium heat until they smell nutty and taste crunchy. Add seeds and other ingredients to a blender and blend till smooth.

Share Your Recipes

Share your recipes below. The only rule is that the recipe must include at least one item from our pick-up this week.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

This Week's CSA Selection - June 15, 2011

Mizuna: Similar to Kyona with narrower leaves.

Tatsoi: Standard salad mix ingredient.

Red Rain Mustard Green: Dark red Mizuna-type mustard

Green Star Lettuce



