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Friday, June 17, 2011

Sesame Plum Dressing

This recipe can be doubled. I often double it and put half in the freezer for a later time. You can also taste and add additional dill if you like.

Sesame Plum Dressing

1/4 c. sesame seeds
1 T. brown rice vinegar (you can also use apple cider vinegar)
1 umeboshi plum OR 1 overflowing tablespoon of ume plum paste (this is in the asian food section and is pricey but will last in fridge a long time and most recipes only call for a little)
1/4 tsp dill (dried)
1/2 cup water

Roast sesame seeds by stirring in a dry skillet on medium heat until they smell nutty and taste crunchy. Add seeds and other ingredients to a blender and blend till smooth.

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