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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Steamed Eggplant with Sweet Miso Sauce

This is one of my creations from years ago. The sweet miso sauce goes with a lot of different vegetables. In fact, last night I sauteed eggplant, kohlrabi, onions, garlic, a beet, and beet greens and after cooking, mixed it all in this sauce. YUMM!

Steamed Eggplant with Sweet Miso Sauce
2 large eggplant
4 TBSP Miso
2 Tsp Agave Nectar

Chop eggplant into small slices or pieces.  Place in about 2 inches of water.  Steam until skin and pulp are soft.

Drain water.  Mix miso and agave nectar in a separate bowl.  (if you need extra, it’s ½ tsp of agave nectar to every 1 TBSP of Miso).  

Pour sauce over eggplant, mix together and serve

1 comment:

Melissa King said...

If you're not familiar with using miso, my favorite is chickpea miso by Miso Master. This is a great option for people who dont want too mich soy in their diet. You will find miso in the refrigerated section. The last time I was at the store, they were out of miso master, so I bought the chickpea miso by South River and have been happy with it as well. Miso lasts a very long time in the fridge. It's also quite "concentrated," so a little goes a long way. You'll get a lot of uses out of it before having to buy a new container. Miso is a great soup base. I'll post my sweet potato miso soup recipe when we start getting sweet potatoes.


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