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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lemongrass and Basil-Stuffed Chicken

I altered my general roast chicken recipe when we got the huge bunches
of herbs in our farmshares. It turned out even more delicious!


One cleaned chicken
One bunch fresh clean lemongrass
One bunch fresh clean basil
1 lb cleaned roughly chopped vegetables of your choice; my favorites
for this are brussels sprouts or baby potatoes
2 TB each:
Garlic powder

1. Heat oven to 450F
2. Mix all 4 spices together
3. Using your fingers, gently pull the skin away from the chicken in
each major section you can get to, and use your fingers to spread the
seasoning mix underneath the skin
4. Place one or two full blades of grass or branches of basil in each
quadrant under the skin, thus pulling the skin gently away from the
chicken in four little tents
5. Stuff the cavity of the chicken with the remaining basil and lemongrass
6. Bring a large cast-iron skillet to high heat with 1-2 tsp oil
7. Quickly sear of any vegetables you're making, then remove from the pan
8. Place the chicken in the skillet, and leave for about 5-10 minutes
or until the skin on that side is starting to crisp, then urn the
chicken over and crisp for another 5 minutes
9. Slip the vegetables back into the pan *underneath the chicken* and
put the whole pan in the oven
10. About 45 minutes later, serve lovely, lemony, herbal chicken with
crispy skin and schmaltzy vegetables


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